Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Maybe I should actually do something with this

I'm not a very good writer, and don't think my life is very entertaining or exciting, but I have a blog, might as well use it, right?

I work as a project engineer for a medium sized oil company in the middle of the midwest. I had the same question.. Oil in the midwest? There used to be lots of it. That isn't the point. I'm also a bit of a tree hugger. Makes for some interesting conversations at the water cooler. I work in environmental, so I'm not totally going against my morals, but it's still difficult being the only person in my department who voted for a particular president and against another one. The point of all this is I'm cleaning up my projects and bored out of my mind. I'm running out of things to do. Lots of time killing on internet searches and Twitter.

I also workout. A lot. I competed in a Bikini contest in June and got 4th place. Out of 5. Not stellar, but I wasn't last! So I fired my other trainer (more like said 'I'm not paying you for another 12 weeks') and hired someone else. Who is a bit of a ball buster. But I get to eat fruit! I'm planning on competing again in September in Northern Michigan. Rather excited actually. Now if only my back would hold up...

Here is where I think the point of my blog will be. I am injured. Bad. 2 herniated disks (L4/L5 is bulging to the left, L5/S1 has a tear and is bulging). I really can't run, or put any weight on my shoulders. Makes squatting, deadlifting, leg pressing, anything really other than pull ups, lat pull downs and bicep curls kinda hard. But, as I commented to my hubs earlier, sitting on my tush isn't helping it get better. Might as well kick my own ass until I have a solution.

Onto a little bit more about myself. I'm a die hard Boilermaker (BSCE 2007) and married the man of my dreams whom I met there. We've been married since Jan 2009 and have 2 crazy pups together.

Dice and Roger and the Hubs

The dogs are our joy, we'd rather watch them then TV. I used to play soccer and field hockey, but the inability to run sort of put a damper on both of those. I'm a bit of a physical player too, so throwing my body around really wouldn't work well. I've lost 30 lbs since graduating college. I was hit by a car in March 2003 while walking back to my dorm and steadily gained weight until I met the hubs in December 2004. At that point I started eating 2-3 meals a day in the all you can eat dining hall and well, he was in his 'bulking' phase. Which meant I was too, cause if he's gonna get a second plate, why not get one too! I was by no means huge, but 160 on a 5'3 frame is not as attractive as I thought it would be. Through exercise and healthier eating (and portion control!) I've gotten my weight to a more manageable 130. And with training for competitions, I'm probably going to sit around 120.

I'm not sure where this blog will go, or if anyone will read it. It should be an adventure!