Friday, January 6, 2012

Getting back to it!

I went to the gym this morning!!! I got my tush out of bed at 5 am (ok, more like 515), had a quick snack and got my sweat on. I've been having back issues, so this was a full body workout to just get something in.

I took this from, a great trainer out of the ATL that I follow on Twitter and Facebook. He is super innovative and the workouts are great for people who don't a) have a lot of time or b) have a lot of space or equipment. All I needed for this workout was a mat (because I was on a hardwood floor) and a dumbbell (5 lbs, it was early).

Warrior Workout
60 seconds of each exercise, 30 sec rest between exercises, 90 second rest between sets, 2-3 sets each

Jump Rope
Body Weight Squats
Opposite Hang/leg
Plank Walkups
Hip Taps (these suck)
Reverse Burpee Crawls

I started with 5 minute walk on the treadmill (3.0 mph, 1.5% incline) and ended with a spin bike tabata, 20 second sprint or climb followed by 10 second rest. It sucked. The whole workout took about 40 minutes.

It was good to get back in the gym. This workout made me sweat up a storm AND burned my shoulders. Great way to start the weekend!

Food today is going to be pretty simple. Pre workout I had a bagel thin with Chipotle Laughing Cow cheese (OMG delish!!!). Post workout I tried Shakeology for the first time. Not going to lie, not in love with it, as it is SUPER chocolaty, but I will drink it because I know it is good for me and will hopefully help with the cravings I have once I start cleaning up my diet. I had half a banana in the shake too. Morning snack is 2/3 c. low fat cottage cheese and a NSA Del Monte Grapefruit cup. I LOVE pre packaged food because it takes the thinking out of prep work and makes it super easy. Not sure if we are going out to lunch or not, so I brought something anyway, left over spaghetti squash lasagna and a Think Thin Protein bar for the afternoon.

I've always had a tough time while in NW Ohio making friends, as I'm a bit different than the typical person who lives here (growing up in a larger, more diverse area makes it hard to relate to people who grew up in towns of 1000). We do have a few that we've made through recruitment at Purdue and through work. Tonight, we're getting together with some of those friends for SUSHI!!! I'm planning on sashimi, red snapper and tuna. Yum.

Here's to a great Friday!

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